Sunday, June 27, 2010

Spring Already

Being a florist by day I have spent the day designing gorgeous bouquets of spring flowers would you believe.

So much so that my head is about ready to exploded with all the perfumes.

I am sure it is getting earlier and earlier each year.

You've got to love them though, there is nothing like a splash of colour to brighten your day!!!!

So go on



May the Force be with you

Having had a few days at home with my daughter unwell, I decided I need a bit of the force to see me through.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Flower for your Hair

I have just starting making these pretty hair ties using felt and beading.

Everything is hand sewn which makes it just that more special.

Heart full of Buttons

I love making these little darlings.

The range is call

"Heart full of Buttons"

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